"Lavender" is an innovative Korean fusion dining place that is based on French culinary techniques.

Our creative dishes are filled with sincere desire and passion we wish to deliver to our guests.

The chef visually observes, smells, and listens while cooking carefully selected seasonal ingredients on a 220°C hotplate, creating a harmonious flavor unique to Lavender.

We provide a special gourmet experience with our dedicated efforts and heartfelt commitment, allowing you to fully appreciate the delicate flavors expressed in dishes cooked on a hotplate that is sometimes as cold as ice and as hot as a blast furnace.

"Lavender" is an innovative Korean fusion dining place that is based on French culinary techniques.

Our creative dishes are filled with sincere desire and passion we wish to deliver to our guests.

The chef visually observes, smells, and listens while cooking carefully selected seasonal ingredients on a 220°C hotplate, creating a harmonious flavor unique to Lavender.

We provide a special gourmet experience with our dedicated efforts and heartfelt commitment, allowing you to fully appreciate the delicate flavors expressed in dishes cooked on a hotplate that is sometimes as cold as ice and as hot as a blast furnace.